The Model 1291BLX Single Axis Position and Rate Table System is designed to provide precise position, rate and acceleration motion for development or production testing of commercial or military inertial sensors. The 1291BLX was specifically designed for testing today’s considerably smaller inertial sensors and systems.
Accurate and reliable motion control of the 1291BLX test table is achieved with a 19 inch rack-mountable servo controlled system consisting of a direct drive brushless torque motor, a precision absolute optical encoder, and a motion controller and amplifier synced digitally on a 10 MHz bus.
Position, rate, and acceleration, as well as motion profiles, are commanded remotely from a host PC (not provided) via the standard RS-232 or Ethernet communication interface. The user can utilize an Ideal Aerosmith-provided TypeScript-based application (ATL Client) or their own communication software package with Ideal’s software command set to precisely control the 1291BLX. The 1291BLX utilizes the latest controller technology with faster processing speed than its predecessor, the 1291BL series. ATL Client, included standard with all 1291BLX systems, provides easy graphing and data export for various control loop signals, an integrated javascript engine/editor for ATL scripting, and a simulated view of the table; as well as the familiar command-line-style ATL control (now with integrated documentation) and configurable readouts for table position, velocity, acceleration, or interlock status.